What is Fat Dissolving?
Fat Dissolving injection contains the solution from the deoxycholic family that has been physically modified and, by creating a slow release sugar-based system, the biological half-life is reduced which results in minimal side effects.
How does it work?
The human body naturally stores fat in order to supply energy and subcutaneous fat cells are difficult to diminish. The active substance in fat dissolving injections, locks into the cell wall making it unstable and releasing the fatty acid that is stored within it. Cell residue is removed and broken down by the body’s defences and the released fatty acids come out via your lymphatic drainage. You can use this on areas such as the double chin, stomach, arms, and back.
How many treatments do clients need?
The treatment will be repeated between two and eight times depending on the number of small pockets of fat tissue to be reduced. The treatment is repeated every three to four weeks.